Once, I had a case where an instrumentalist and backup singer were inconsistent because the leader wasn’t yet in his “rave” season and wasn’t “going places.” I laughed at the case and then wept for them. If you say that you want to serve under someone, and you arrive when everything is perfect, there will be a time when you are enticed by fame and flattery. It wasn’t your conviction for the ministry that kept you there.
To have this attitude towards your leader is disrespectful and disgraceful. It is an insult to God and heaven because everyone carries ‘a higher level’ in their shins. Be patient… The story of your leader is still with you. Stay! Be patient… Be patient… Serve when it’s rainy and when it’s dry. Soon you’ll reap the benefits of genuine and sincere service. Keep the scriptures in mind Colossians 3 vs. 23 : Do all that you can to please the Lord and not men. Minister GUC