Divine Instruction “And Elisha sent a messenger unto him, he said, Go and wash seven times in Jordan. “And thy flesh will come back to you, and thou shall be clean.” (2 Kings 5:10) This is the Focal Scripture for Streams Of Joy Devotional.
Elisha instructed Naaman to wash seven times in Jordan. Be healed. Naaman’s healing came in the form of instruction. The divine Instruction from Elisha led Naaman to his miracle. The divine instruction of Elisha
Naaman was elevated to the next level, and he performed miracles.
Your obedience to divine instruction is the key to your next level, Friend. Your next level is tied to your obedience to divine instructions. Promotion is dependent on your obedience to divine principles. Things can turn around. You will not see any good in your life unless you obey God’s commands. You might not be able to step into the
Higher realms God has created for you until your attention begins to God’s Word and God’s commands. It is linked to the path of obedience to God’s instructions to your next level.
Naaman did nothing extraordinary. He only followed Elisha’s instructions, and he was healed. Your negligible efforts can be made to obey God’s commands. Huge, resounding results. If you follow the path of obedience to God, all things are possible Things that don’t yield results to others will not give results to you. Obeyance is the best. Your way to the next level.
You are setting yourself up for failure if you disobey God. Don’t worry if you don’t care as much about following God’s instructions regarding your life. If God starts to care less about making His promises real in your life, Your Disobedience to God’s Word will cause God to frustrate your life.
Naaman was freed from the shame and pain caused by leprosy through obedience to God’s instructions. As You obey God and God’s Word, you will be set to enter higher realms and huge results.
Pray with Me: Lord, help me to follow Your lead in Jesus’ name!